2012年12月13日 星期四

聖誕美食【蔓越莓(小红莓)鬆餅】Cranberry Muffins

朋友來,做了甜點招呼朋友! 大家吃完也讚好吃 ,感到小小喜悅!♥
  • 200克中筋麵粉
  • 1茶匙泡打粉
  • 1/4茶匙鹽
  • 40克牛油
  • 70克砂糖
  • 1隻雞蛋
  • 150ml牛奶
  • 1/2茶匙雲呢拿油
  • 120克蔓越莓(小红莓)
Cranberry Muffins
Prep time:10 mins, Cook time:1 hour 18-20 mins, Total time:30 mins.
Makes: 6
  • 200g plain flour
  • 1 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoons salt
  • 40g butter
  • 70g caster sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 150ml milk
  • 1/2 teaspoons vanilla essence
  • 120g cranberries 
1.) 預熱烤箱200℃/ 180 fan/ 6度。
2.) 將麵粉,泡打粉和鹽結合在碗內。
3.) 加熱牛油和糖在平底鍋,煮約1分鐘至牛油溶化,並離火放涼,然後用電動打蛋器,打滑發白。
4.) 加入雞蛋繼續打至結合,並加入牛奶和雲呢拿油繼續打至結合。
5.) 加入2打至順滑。
6.) 加入蔓越莓,並輕輕拌勻。
1.) Preheat oven to 200 / 180 fan/ gas mark 6.
2.) In a bowl,combine the flour,baking powder and salt.
3.) Heat up the butter with sugar in a pan for about a minute, until it's thoroughly melted. Set it aside at room temperature to cool, but don't let it solidify again.
beat until light and fluffy.
Beat the butter with the sugar until light and fluffy.
4.) Add in the egg,then add the milk and vanilla essence.
5.) Add in 2 to make a soft mixture.
6.) Lightly fold in the the cranberries and mix roughly.
7.) 倒入鬆餅模,約8成(2/3)滿。
7.) Spoon the mixture into the prepared muffin cases, about 2/3 full.
8.) 並放入已預熱的烤箱焗18-20分鐘,烤至發脹和淡金色
9.) 取出,並將鬆餅轉移到涼架上冷卻,至和暖或室溫下享用。
8.) Put it into the preheated over and cook for 18-20 minutes,until risen and pale golden on top.
9.) Transfer the muffins to a wire rack to cool. Serve them warm or at room temperature.

