每次買小包裝的百里香,做了炆牛肉,烤雞,烤豬,還淨底很多。加上冰箱有豬扒,就用來醃豬扒,烤豬扒了。今次分享一道好味又入味的豬扒美食,做法超簡單! 如果大家沒有電烤爐可轉用平底鑊煎一樣做到美味可口。選擇豬扒,最好買沿邊緣有一點點的脂肪肉,嫩之餘可令口感增加好吃。

- 4塊豬扒
- 4飯匙生抽或豉油
- 2飯匙橙汁或檸檬汁
- 1茶匙黃芥辣
- 1瓣大蒜,切碎
- 半茶匙黑胡椒
- 1-2飯匙新鮮百里香(要葉子)
- 1飯匙橄欖油
Prep time: 5 mins, cook time: 4 mins, Total time: 9 mins.
Serves: 2
- 4 pork chops
- 4 tablespoons soy sauce
- 2 tablespoons orange juice or lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon mustard
- 1 garlic clove, crushed
- 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
- 1-2 tablespoons fresh thyme
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
在1個大碗或密實袋內,將 生抽 ,橙汁,黃芥辣,黑胡椒,碎大蒜,百里香和橄欖油拌勻結合。
How to make thyme sauce:
In a large bowl or seal-able bag combine soy sauce, orange juice, mustard, black pepper, crushed garlic, thyme and olive oil.
1.) 用叉子在豬扒上剌多個孔,並可令醃汁流入令更入味。
1.) Prick the pork chops with a fork to help it absorb the marinade faster.
2.) 把豬扒和醃料結合, 並蓋上保鮮紙和放入雪櫃冷藏醃製至2個小時以上。
2.) Add the pork chops to the thyme sauce. Cover, refrigerate and allow to marinate for at least 2 hours.
3.) 加熱電烤爐,並放上豬扒。(不需加油,因醃料已有油)
4.) 煮2分鐘後,反轉豬扒繼續煮多1-2分鐘值至熟為止,不要煮過頭。
3.) Get your grill as hot as you can, no need to oil it because there's oil in the marinade. Now place the pork chops on top. It should really sizzle.
4.) Flip over the pork chops after 2 minute and cook the other side for an additional 1-2 minutes. Don't overcook them!
6.) 完成,並可配白飯或薯仔沙律等等。
6.) Serve it with rice or potato salad and so on...
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